Viktoria from World nonstop has nominated me for The Liebster Award and I thank her for reading my blog and finding it worthy of the nomination.
My blog is nothing without my readers and it warms my heart that others find my words and photos inspiring. I am pleased to accept the nomination and look forward to answering the questions she has selected for me below.
First I must do some housekeeping.
The Liebster award is an award given to bloggers from bloggers it is a great way to get to know and support other bloggers. In a way it follows similar principles as a chain letter but the beauty is that you get to connect with people and learn more about them while also discovering some great blogs you would not have otherwise known existed.
There seems to be several different sets of rules. If nominated for The Liebster Award and you chose to accept it, then you are to write a post about your nomination and note the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2. Display the award on your blog by including it in your post and/or displaying it by using a widget or a gadget.
3. Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 300 followers. (Note this number seems to change but the intent is to nominate an up and coming blog not an established one)
5. Create a new list of 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here). Once you have written and published it, you should then inform the people you have nominated and provide them with a link to your Liebster post.
I have simplified them below:
1. What is the feature you like most about your personality (one I can’t find in the “About me” section)?
One of the things I like the most about myself is that I am open minded. Open minded by definition is a person that is willing to consider new ideas, is unprejudiced and non judgmental. I also like to think I am open to new experiences, to try new things, to different cultures or ways of life.
2. One crazy obsession?
It may be obvious but my answer is travel – especially the planning part of it. I obsess over the next trip and then planning every detail of it. I actually wrote a blog about this obsession and you can read about it here.
3. What’s your absolutely favorite blog and why? (It hasn’t to be a travel blog.)
I would have to say The Points Guy. He introduced me to points and travel and has taught me so much. I travel more, spend less, and maximize benefits I never knew existed because I use strategies he has taught me through his blog. For the smaller up and coming blogs you will have to check out my nominations to see my favorites.
4. How much time do you spend with blog work?
Some days I think it is way to much and others that it is not enough. Blogging at least for me had a very steep learning curve. All the technical aspects consume endless hours that I wish I could get back. However, when I write, the time just slips away and I hardly even notice it.
In these past few months blogging has become a very big part of my life, but blogging is not my entire life. In the end it is about finding balance between being a wife and mom, my 9-5 job, my little makeup business (which helps pay for my travel), and this blog, while still leaving enough time for all the regular things life brings.
5. What was the nicest feedback you ever received?
Just recently the entire family had an archery lesson in the Isle of Skye. The instructor which was a total stranger to my family until that day told me that my girls were some of the best behaved, mature, strong and polite girls he has ever had the pleasure of instructing.
I have heard compliments from my daughters friends parents or even teachers, but hearing this feedback from a person we just met makes me very proud. It tells me we are doing a good job raising them. It tells me I am doing a good job as a mother. And being a mom is probably one of the most important jobs I have.
6. City or countryside? What do you consider as the perfect place to live?
Countryside for sure, although I enjoy small cities as well. Big cities are great for a visit now and then but I am a country girl at heart. Ideal place to live would be a small city that gives me room to roam but has access to amenities from a city.
7. Bucket-list. Love or hate?
Hate is a strong word but honestly I am not a fan of bucket lists. I rather have a life list or inspiration list. Things I want to do to enrich my life and give it more meaning. I rather live every day, love every day, then focus on a list of things to do before I die. If I focus on life and not on a checklist I feel I will be happy instead of disappointed that I did not complete my bucket list if I happen to kick the bucket.
This does not mean I do not keep lists because I certainly do. They are just not bucket lists. Because to me the term Bucket List denotes something you just want to check off and be done with by a deadline and this does not seem right to me about travel or any other experience in life.
8. How did the blog name come up?
I wanted something short that represented me and my love to travel, go places, find and experience new things. Most importantly it needed to be available for me to use on all social media platforms such as Instagram or Facebook. I spent a few days brainstorming with my husband and some friends before selecting RovingJo.
9. One day for yourself – what do you plan?
Probably head to the west coast of Florida (somewhere like Naples or Ft. Myers or Sanibel) It is only 1 1/2 hrs away from home but seems like a lifetime away. And I would probably spend the day reading and/or writing with some breaks for good coffee or tea depending on the mood, and good food at a local restaurant.
10. Sweet or salty?
Some may not know this but I am a bit of a foodie. I love all food and trying new things. I do have a sweet tooth but I rather experience a great meal or even have some good bread, cheese and champagne than have dessert. So I guess the short answer is salty. However, something sweet at the end of each meal makes it complete.
11. What does home mean to you?
Home is where the heart is and my heart is where my family is. Therefore, where ever my family is, is home.
- Andrew from Jagabond
- Cherene from Wandering Red Head
- Allie from Coffee and Passport
- Kathryn from Pineapple Street
- Priti from Absolute Wander Lust
- Jessica from Boarding Pass
- Bertaut & Alexis from World Travel Adventures
- Lea from Travel Like LV
- The Green Family from Travel with the Greens
- So Much More to See
- Nico & Vicky from The Travelling Mooseys
- Where is home and what is the best thing about it?
- Coffee or tea and how do you take it?
- Why do you travel?
- If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
- If you could talk to one person (alive or dead) who would it be and what would you discuss?
- What is your favorite book?
- What or who inspired you to start blogging?
- Favorite movie of all time?
- How do you find inspiration for your blog posts?
- What is your favorite holiday and why?
- What is your favorite hobby (aside from travel and blogging)?
Thank you for the kind words and your thoughtful answers. I love that you don’t commit to something at all and that you are so curious to explore different places and to try different food! I love reading your stories and thoughts – keep on blogging!
Thank you so much Viktoria for reading and for the nomination. I look forward to continue to read about your adventures as well.
Congrats Jo! Great answers, loved getting a little more insight about you 🙂 Thank you so much for the nomination, so kind of you!..I actually received the award earlier in the year so will have to pass but thank you all the same, I really appreciate it! Feel free to take a look at the Liebster post on my blog if you’re interested x
I did not see the Liebster award on your blog and I am sorry I missed it. I will go back to check out your answers. In any case you deserve the nomination. Keep up the great work.