For the Love of Puffins – Best Place to See Puffins in Scotland

Puffins in Scotland

This post was most recently updated on September 14th, 2019

If you are a nature lover and want to see the puffins in Scotland there is no better place to see them than Lunga. The Isle of Lunga, which is the largest Island in the Treshnish Archipelago, combines a dramatic setting of green cliffs and ocean, with abundant wild life.

The large population of puffins are what draw the tourists (including myself) to Lunga, and they do so for good reason.  Unlike other places in the British Isles, the puffin colonies in Lunga are thriving and extremely approachable.  They have learned that having humans around keep their predators at bay.  This means you get the opportunity to see them up close and personal. You can watch them fly in from the ocean with fish in their beaks to feed their young.  You can see them interact with each other, clean their feathers, and simply be their adorable selves.  Seeing Puffins in Scotland is an experience like no other I have had so far.

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An Epic Scotland Road Trip – part 2

This post was most recently updated on October 13th, 2017

We (my husband, 2 girls and I) recently spent 14 days traveling around Scotland. In the 14 days we covered a lot of miles and many of them were on single track roads.  The scenery is spectacular, you see mountains, valleys, lakes, forests, waterfalls, and wildlife everywhere. Scotland really is a country that is perfect for an epic road trip.

If you have never driven in this part of the world then just keep in mind that the roads are narrow (many times even single track roads) and winding. You will also be driving on the left side of the road. Let me tell you that getting used to this type of driving is not easy, especially when you come from the US where we have big open roads and highways. But I will leave the topic of driving in Scotland for another day and get back to our Epic Scotland Road Trip (Part 2).

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An Epic Scotland Road Trip – Part 1

This post was most recently updated on October 13th, 2017

Scotland has so much to offer, out of this world landscapes, cool cities (large and small), culture and history, good food and drink in both pubs and upscale restaurants. And while trains and buses are available, Scotland has some remote and out of the way places that really should be explored. This makes Scotland a perfect place for an Epic Road Trip.

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook then you have seen some of the amazing pictures from my recent 14 day Scotland adventure. Since I have been back I have been receiving quite a few inquiries regarding my itinerary. Therefore I have decided to share a condensed version of it here for all to see. Hopefully it will inspire you to plan your own epic Scotland road trip.

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Top 5 Scottish Castles for Kids

Inverary Castle - Top 5 Scottish Castles for Kids

This post was most recently updated on October 13th, 2017

Scotland is the land of castles. More than 3,000 of them form a part of its dramatic landscape. So no matter where you find yourself there is always a castle nearby.  On our recent Scotland trip we visited 11 castles and picking the best is no easy task so I have asked my 2 girls for their opinion on which where their favorites and why.  Here are the top 5 Scottish castles for kids picked by my kids (11 and 8 years of age).  

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A slice of Japan in Florida

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, my husband was working, my girls were in Sunday school, and despite all the housework that needed to be done I was day dreaming about travel. Of course I begin scrolling through my Instagram and Pinterest feeds and start seeing all these wonderful pictures of spring in Japan.  Then I remembered that about 1 hr away from home is Morikami Museum and Japanese gardens.  Despite living in South Florida for well over one decade I had not visited these gardens yet. So without any more thought or planning I decided that today was the day I would visit this little slice of Japan in Florida.

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Miami – An afternoon in Wynwood

This post was most recently updated on May 26th, 2016

Some days you just have to play tourist for the day and enjoy the sites that your own city has to offer.  Today was one of those days. So with exploration in mind and a beautiful sunny day we decided to head to Miami.  When most think of Miami they probably think of palm trees, beaches and South Beach.  But the Miami we went to explore is filled with art -urban graffiti & street art.  It was incredible to see how some of the world greatest artists working on graffiti have converged to create street art in Wynwood.

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Must See D.C. Attractions

This post was most recently updated on August 2nd, 2016

There is so much to see and do in Washington, D.C. that you could probably spend a few weeks here and not see it all.  It can also feel a bit overwhelming for a first time visitor. But don’t worry, I have a plan and a list of essential experiences that I will be sharing with you. So if you have limited time I recommend the following:

1) Plan ahead.
2) Select your must see attractions – you can use the list I am providing as a guide.
3) Plot them on a map (I use Google maps) to find the best route to connect them all and save you time.

Remember D.C. is a great walking city so you will be able to walk or take public transportation to most of the must see attractions and best of all most of them are FREE. Here is my list of must do’s while in Washington, D.C. :

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Top 8 Tips to Avoid Jet Lag

This post was most recently updated on August 2nd, 2016

As my summer trip overseas approaches I find myself thinking about jet lag. When flying to and from different time zones your body and internal clock have a hard time adjusting to the changes and you wind up dealing with what is commonly known as jet lag. Many assume that this will ruin your first few days on your trip. And with holidays not being as long as we want them to be, missing out on a day or two can certainly put a damper on your itinerary.  But jet lag does not need to be the Grinch that stole your vacation. It is possible to minimize the effects of jet lag and here are my top 8 tips.

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Bacon & Bourbon Festival

This post was most recently updated on May 26th, 2016

Everything is better with Bacon and if you add a little bourbon it becomes a match made in heaven.  This year was the 2nd Annual Bacon & Bourbon Festival in Delray Beach.  The event featured bacon inspired dishes, a huge collection of bourbon & whiskey as well as great mixed drinks.  If bourbon is not your thing then they did have some beer and wine and even tequila.  To top it off they had live music, lots of tables and seating, and some games to pass the time. So was the event worth it? Keep reading and you be the judge.

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Confessions of an Obsessive Compulsive Travel Planner

They say the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem – so this is confession time. I hear time and time again that you need to be loose with your itinerary, allow room for things to happen, don’t over-schedule. Well my friends, I confess that I have a problem. I obsess over the planning phase of travel. I spend countless hours researching, reading guides, reviews, googling everything and anything related to the destination, and yes, I even analyze and study maps to see what is in the area and how to best maximize my time. While others stress over planning a trip, I pretty much live for it. I look forward to planning my next trip like an alcoholic looks forward to their next glass of booze.

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